Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 2, 2021

Xử lý lỗi WARNING OGG-01519 GoldenGate bị abend trên tiến trình PUMP

1. Lỗi: WARNING OGG-01519 GoldenGate

2021-02-20 01:10:03  WARNING OGG-01519  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, dp9.prm:  Waiting at EOF on input trail file /u01/oracle/goldengate/dirdat/ext9/lt005008, which is not marked as complete; but succeeding trail file /u01/oracle/goldengate/dirdat/ext9/lt005009 exists. If ALTER ETROLLOVER has been performed on source extract, ALTER EXTSEQNO must be performed on each corresponding downstream reader.

2. Nguyên nhân
- File  /u01/oracle/goldengate/dirdat/ext1/lt005008 không có tín hiệu EOF (End of file) mở mãi không đóng
mặc dù kết thúc rồi.

3. Giải pháp

GGSCI (dbaviet03) 146> stop DP9

Sending STOP request to EXTRACT DP9 ...
Request processed.

GGSCI (dbaviet03)> info DP9

EXTRACT    DP9  Last Started 2021-01-26 10:06   Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint  File /u01/oracle/goldengate/dirdat/ext9/lt005008 --> chú ý
                     2021-02-19 12:00:41.000000  RBA 2610439

GGSCI (dbaviet03) 148> alter CONS_DP9 etrollover

2021-02-20 01:30:26  INFO    OGG-01520  Rollover performed.  For each affected output trail of Version 10 or higher format, after starting the source extract, issue ALTER EXTSEQNO for that trail's reader (either pump EXTRACT or REPLICAT) to move the reader's scan to the new trail file;  it will not happen automatically.
EXTRACT altered.

-- Tăng lên 1 sequence tức 005008+1 = 005009
GGSCI (dbaviet03) 149> alter DP9 extseqno 005009 extrba 0
EXTRACT altered.

GGSCI (dbaviet03) 150> start dp9

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

Hy vọng giúp ích cho bạn.

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