Lỗi trên Standby Database:
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:45:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:50:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:55:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 09:00:04 2009
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 15599
Current log# 1 seq# 15599 mem# 0: /DDMESP_home2/oradata/ORAPMES/redo1a.log
Current log# 1 seq# 15599 mem# 1: /DDMESP_home4/oradata/ORAPMES/redo1b.log
Fri Nov 6 09:00:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 09:01:24 2009
WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)
Fri Nov 6 09:01:32 2009
WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\11.2.0\admin\lims\bdump\lims_arc1_2756.trc:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Sun Jul 20 05:08:19 2008
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
returning error ORA-16191
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:24.812
*** SERVICE NAME:() 2008-07-20 21:47:24.781
*** SESSION ID:(156.1) 2008-07-20 21:47:24.781
Redo shipping client performing standby login
OCISessionBegin failed -1
.. Detailed OCI error val is 1031 and errmsg is 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.046 62692 kcrr.c
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Error 1031 connecting to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'to_prod'
Error 1031 attaching to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'to_prod'
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.062 62692 kcrr.c
PINGARC1: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'to_prod'. Error is 1031.
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.062 60970 kcrr.c
kcrrfail: dest:2 err:1031 force:0 blast:1
Giải pháp:
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:45:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:50:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 08:55:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 09:00:04 2009
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 15599
Current log# 1 seq# 15599 mem# 0: /DDMESP_home2/oradata/ORAPMES/redo1a.log
Current log# 1 seq# 15599 mem# 1: /DDMESP_home4/oradata/ORAPMES/redo1b.log
Fri Nov 6 09:00:53 2009
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Suppressing further error logging of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2.
Fri Nov 6 09:01:24 2009
WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)
Fri Nov 6 09:01:32 2009
WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\11.2.0\admin\lims\bdump\lims_arc1_2756.trc:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Sun Jul 20 05:08:19 2008
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
returning error ORA-16191
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:24.812
*** SERVICE NAME:() 2008-07-20 21:47:24.781
*** SESSION ID:(156.1) 2008-07-20 21:47:24.781
Redo shipping client performing standby login
OCISessionBegin failed -1
.. Detailed OCI error val is 1031 and errmsg is 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.046 62692 kcrr.c
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby
Error 1031 connecting to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'to_prod'
Error 1031 attaching to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'to_prod'
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.062 62692 kcrr.c
PINGARC1: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'to_prod'. Error is 1031.
*** 2008-07-20 21:47:25.062 60970 kcrr.c
kcrrfail: dest:2 err:1031 force:0 blast:1
Giải pháp:
2. Tạo lại password file trên standby database cho giống mật khẩu của sys như trên primary database.
hoặc Copy password từ Primary server tới the stnadby server (nếu muốn bảo vệ mật khẩu không cho Admin ở Standby biết).
* KHOÁ HỌC ORACLE DATABASE A-Z ENTERPRISE trực tiếp từ tôi giúp bạn bước đầu trở thành những chuyên gia DBA, đủ kinh nghiệm đi thi chứng chỉ OA/OCP, đặc biệt là rất nhiều kinh nghiệm, bí kíp thực chiến trên các hệ thống Core tại VN chỉ sau 1 khoá học.
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