Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2022

Sử dụng lệnh Linux SAR cho Oracle DBA

  1. sar hiển thị CPU, bộ nhớ, I/O đĩa và mức sử dụng mạng, cả hiện tại và lịch sử
  2. Nó sử dụng tệp “/var/log/sa/saXX” để đọc dữ liệu lịch sử. XX là ngày trong tháng.
  3. Dữ liệu được ghi lại cho mỗi ngày trong một tệp có tên sa <nn> trong đó <nn> là ngày có hai chữ số trong tháng. Ví dụ: tệp sa07 giữ dữ liệu cho ngày 07 của tháng đó. Dữ liệu này có thể được truy vấn bằng lệnh sar.

Để biết thêm thông tin về lệnh SAR  Bấm vào đây

Sử dụng lệnh sar là cách tốt nhất để kiểm tra trong trường hợp có bất kỳ báo cáo sự cố hiệu suất nào

  1. RAM
  2. Swap
  3. Buffer/Cache
  4. Run Queue
  5. CPU
  6. Network
sar command to get the metrics for the components:

-P Specific CPU(s)
-d Disks
-r Memory
-B Paging
-W Swapping
-n Network
[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

12:00:01 AM CPU %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
12:10:01 AM all 18.83 0.04   3.84    17.88   0.00  59.42
12:20:01 AM all 11.26 0.04   3.74     7.02   0.00  77.94
12:30:01 AM all 10.68 0.03   3.83     8.39   0.00  77.08

Đầu ra hiển thị các số liệu liên quan đến CPU được thu thập trong khoảng thời gian 10 phút. Các cột có nghĩa là

CPU     -The CPU identifier; “all” means all the CPUs 
%user   -The percentage of CPU used for user processes. Oracle processes come under this category.
%nice   -The %ge of CPU utilization while executing under nice priority
%system -The %age of CPU executing system processes
%iowait -The %age of CPU waiting for I/O
%idle   -The %age of CPU idle waiting for work
sar -u   The CPU Report

[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar -u
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1)  10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU) 

12:00:01 AM CPU  %user   %nice   %system   %iowait  %steal     %idle
12:10:01 AM all  18.83    0.04    3.84     17.88      0.00     59.42
12:20:01 AM all  11.26    0.04    3.74      7.02      0.00     77.94

Lệnh sar –u rất hữu ích để xem mức tiêu thụ CPU tổng thể theo thời gian. Trong ví dụ sau, tôi thực thi sar –u để xem trạng thái của CPU. Thời gian CPU có thể được phân bổ thành bốn phần sau: chế độ người dùng, chế độ hệ thống, chờ vào/ra và không hoạt động.

sar -u         Displays CPU usage for the current day that was collected until that point.
sar -u 1 3     Displays real time CPU usage every 1 second for 3 times.
sar -u ALL     Same as “sar -u” but displays additional fields.
sar -u ALL 1 3 Same as “sar -u 1 3” but displays additional fields.
sar -u -f /var/log/sa/sa10  Displays CPU usage for the 10day of the month from the sa10 file.
03:00:01 AM  CPU %user   %nice    %system %iowait %idle
03:10:01 AM  all 44.99    0.00     1.27    2.85   40.89
03:20:01 AM  all 44.97    0.00     1.20    2.70   41.13
03:30:01 AM  all 45.80    0.00     1.39    3.00   39.81
03:40:01 AM  all 40.26    0.00     1.25    3.55   44.93

This tells a different story: the system was loaded by some user processes between 3:00 and 3:40. Perhaps an expensive query was executing; or perhaps an RMAN job was running, consuming all that CPU. This is where the sar command is useful--it replays the recorded data showing the data as of a certain time, not now. This is exactly what you wanted to accomplish the three objectives outlined in the beginning of this section: getting historical data, finding usage patterns and understanding trends.
Sử dụng CPU của từng CPU hoặc Core (sar -P)

Nếu bạn có 4 core trên máy và muốn xem các core riêng lẻ đang làm gì, hãy làm như sau. “-P ALL” chỉ ra rằng nó sẽ hiển thị số liệu thống kê cho TẤT CẢ các core riêng lẻ. Trong ví dụ sau, bên dưới cột “CPU” 0, 1, 2 và 3 cho biết số Core CPU tương ứng.

[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar -P ALL 1 1 
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU) 

09:18:28 AM CPU  %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 
09:18:29 AM all  9.65  0.00    3.22   2.45   0.00   84.68 
09:18:29 AM 0    33.33 0.00    7.53   1.08   0.00   58.06 
09:18:29 AM 1    8.25  0.00    3.09   5.15   0.00   83.51 
09:18:29 AM 2    6.25  0.00    2.08   5.21   0.00   86.46 
09:18:29 AM 4    9.00  0.00    4.00   4.00   0.00   83.00 
09:18:29 AM 5    7.14  0.00    4.08   0.00   0.00   88.78 
09:18:29 AM 6    5.05  0.00    3.03   0.00   0.00   91.92 
09:18:29 AM 7    5.05  0.00    1.01   0.00   0.00   93.94 
Average: CPU    %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 
Average: all    9.65   0.00   3.22   2.45    0.00   84.68 
Average: 0      33.33  0.00   7.53   1.08    0.00   58.06 
Average: 1      8.25   0.00   3.09   5.15    0.00   83.51 
Average: 2      6.25   0.00   2.08   5.21    0.00   86.46 
Average: 3      4.08   0.00   2.04   5.10    0.00   88.78 
Average: 4      9.00   0.00   4.00   4.00    0.00   83.00 
Average: 5      7.14   0.00   4.08   0.00    0.00   88.78 
Average: 6      5.05   0.00   3.03   0.00    0.00   91.92 
Average: 7      5.05   0.00   1.01   0.00    0.00   93.94

Did you notice the “all” value under CPU? It means the stats were rolled up for all the CPUs. In a single processor system that is fine; but in multi-processor systems you may want to get the stats for individual CPUs as well as an aggregate one.

The -P ALL option accomplishes that sar -P ALL Displays CPU usage broken down by all cores for the current day.

sar -P ALL 1 3 Displays real time CPU usage for ALL cores every 1 second for 3 times (broken down by all cores). 
sar -P 1 Displays CPU usage for core number 1 for the current day.
sar -P 1 1 3 Displays real time CPU usage for core number 1, every 1 second for 3 times. 
sar -P ALL -f /var/log/sa/sa10 Displays CPU usage broken down by all cores for the 10day day of the month from sa10 file
Hoạt động I / O tổng thể (sar -b)

This reports I/O statistics. “1 3” reports for every 1 seconds a total of 3 times.
Following fields are displays in the example below.

tps – Transactions per second (this includes both read and write)
rtps – Read transactions per second
wtps – Write transactions per second
bread/s – Bytes read per second
bwrtn/s – Bytes written per second

[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar -b 1 3
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

10:31:47 AM tps    rtps   wtps   bread/s bwrtn/s
10:31:48 AM 236.00 52.00  184.00 1540.00 2786.00
10:31:49 AM 121.21 88.89  32.32  2719.19 870.71
10:31:50 AM 216.67 43.75  172.92 1270.83 2420.83
Average:    191.19 61.69  129.49 1848.14 2024.41

Following are few variations:
sar -b
sar -b 1 3
sar -b -f /var/log/sa/sa10

Note: Use “sar -v” to display number of inode handlers, file handlers, and pseudo-terminals used by the system.
Báo cáo thống kê mạng

This reports various network statistics. For example: number of packets received (transmitted) through the network card, statistics of packet failure etc.,. “1 3” reports for every 1 seconds a total of 3 times.

[oracle@PTCDEVDBRAC1 ~]$ sar -n DEV | more
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (PTCDEVDBRAC1.pasa.pas.local) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

12:0:1 AM IFACE rxpck/s txpck/s  rxkB/s txkB/s rxcmp/s txcmp/s rxmcst/s
12:10:01AM lo     113.96  113.96  55.20  55.20   0.00  0.00   0.00
12:10:01AM eth0   1613.80 1517.74 832.23 438.66  0.00  0.00   3.80
12:10:01AM eth1   717.00  1438.19 510.27 1414.79 0.00  0.00   0.76
Average: lo       206.72  206.72  66.70  66.70   0.00  0.00   0.00
Average: eth0     1638.48 1622.38 719.31 542.88  0.00  0.00   4.01
Average: eth1     669.03  681.12  537.74 594.64  0.00  0.00   0.80

To get the historical network statistics, you use the -n option:

KEYWORD can be one of the following:

DEV – Displays network devices vital statistics for eth0, eth1, etc.,
EDEV – Display network device failure statistics
NFS – Displays NFS client activities
NFSD – Displays NFS server activities
SOCK – Displays sockets in use for IPv4
IP – Displays IPv4 network traffic
EIP – Displays IPv4 network errors
ICMP – Displays ICMPv4 network traffic
EICMP – Displays ICMPv4 network errors
TCP – Displays TCPv4 network traffic
ETCP – Displays TCPv4 network errors
UDP – Displays UDPv4 network traffic
SOCK6, IP6, EIP6, ICMP6, UDP6 are for IPv6
ALL – This displays all of the above information. The output will be very long.
Memory Free và đã sử dụng 

[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar -r
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

12:0AM kbmemfree kbmemused %memused kbbuffers kbcached kbcommit %commit
12:10:01 AM 13671388 118418888 89.65 962548 97559656 52549412   39.78
12:20:01 AM 13769904 118320372 89.58 962564 97566608 52239992   39.55
Average: 13546921 118543355 89.74 962796 97590655 52433437    39.70

This shows the CPU identifier (starting with 0) and the stats for each. At the very end of the output you will see the average of runs against each CPU.
The command sar is not only fro CPU related stats. It’s useful to get the memory related stats as well. The -r option shows the extensive memory utilization.

kbmemfree-The free memory available in KB at that time
kbmemused-The memory used in KB at that time
%memused-%age of memory used
kbbuffers-This %age of memory was used as buffers
kbcached-This %age of memory was used as cache
kbswpfree-The free swap space in KB at that time
kbswpused-The swap space used in KB at that time
%swpused-The %age of swap used at that time
kbswpcad-The cached swap in KB at that time

Following are few variations:
sar -r
sar -r 1 3
sar -r -f /var/log/sa/sa10
sar 5 2

[oracle@DEVRAC1 ~]$ sar 5 2 
Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (DEVRAC1) 10/14/2018 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

09:05:52 AM CPU %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle        09:05:57 AM all 13.06 0.03  3.67    11.12    0.00   72.12                 09:06:02 AM all 10.86 0.03  3.99     6.12    0.00   79.00
Average:    all 11.96 0.03  3.83     8.63    0.00   75.56

It can also display data in real time, similar to vmstat or mpstat. To get the data every 5 seconds for 2 times,

* KHOÁ HỌC ORACLE DATABASE A-Z ENTERPRISE trực tiếp từ tôi giúp bạn bước đầu trở thành những chuyên gia DBA, đủ kinh nghiệm đi thi chứng chỉ OA/OCP, đặc biệt là rất nhiều kinh nghiệm, bí kíp thực chiến trên các hệ thống Core tại VN chỉ sau 1 khoá học.
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Trần Văn Bình - Oracle Database Master